The End of Honoring Greatness as We Know It

I originally wrote the following draft about an article I read that criticized the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for not inducting more women. But it is just as relevant today, in the wake of the male dominated Grammys.

Playing the inclusion game where everyone needs to be represented equally, cheapens the award for the winner.

— Now hear me out —

It is already immensely difficult to meet the criteria to be inducted into a hall of fame, but to be moved to the front of the list based not on merit, but on your gender (or race, religion, or sexual identification) is a disservice to all of those eligible.

All nominees should be in the same pool and the best, most deserving of that pool should be selected.  For example, lets say there are 50 artists eligible and you’re going to induct 4. Then the induction committee should select the four most deserving, most accomplished, greatest artists.


But that’s not what you’re saying on social media.

What everyone seems to want is to take that pool of 50 artists, divide them into 4 categories, and select one representative from each.

The Breakdown:

  • 35 are white, male artists
  • 10 are black artists
  • 2 are women
  • 3 are DACA kids.

In the white category, you have the Beatles, the Stones, Led Zepplin, Queen, Elvis, and 30 others.

In the black category:  Stevie Wonder, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Aretha Franklin, and 6 others.

The female artists are Madonna and Cher

And the DACA kids are Jose, Sa’hab, and Kwan.

Since we don’t want anyone to feel left out, the inductees are as follows:

  • Queen (because Freddy Mercury was gay)
  • Stevie Wonder (blind)
  • Cher (self proclaimed “half-breed”)
  • and jointly inducted, all three DACA kids (political statement…which is why we watch award shows in the first place: for the politics).

The Hall of Fame, Grammys, Oscars, Emmy’s, Tony’s, and blue ribbon pig farming should be awarded on merit, on achievement.

Not on inclusion.

We are absolutely free to debate the merits of the winners over the losers and vice versa, but “has penis” vs “no penis” should not be a part of the discussion.

To the snubbed, I ask this: is it possible…possible…that the winner was simply better than you?


**I’d like to go on record saying I have absolutely no problem with Paul Harvey being in the broadcasting hall of fame ahead of me. I’m mature enough to accept that his professional achievements are greater than mine.

About Pottsy

For nearly a decade, I hosted a morning radio show. I relocated, with my family, to Cleveland in 2006. The morning show routine of observing and commenting on the every day is a hard habit to break. From January 2009 until September 2012, I was a stay-home dad, making notes of things I noticed about my surroundings, my children and myself. Now, I am back, working on another morning show, trying to balance kids, wife, job, dinner, scouts and all of the other curve-balls life throws into my juggling routine. This is my blog...
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